NE1 Ltd, the company behind Alive after Five, Quayside Seaside, Screen on the Green and many more city-wide events including NE1 Newcastle Motor Show and Restaurant Week has come up with another fabulous and innovative way to make Newcastle even greater.

This autumn, NE1 is launching the Geordie Jackpot, an exciting online lottery. Geordie Jackpot will not only make weekly cash payouts and award bonus prizes but money raised will help fund major projects in Newcastle city centre, as well as supporting the Jackpot’s chosen local charity, Cash for Kids.
The idea behind Geordie Jackpot is to tap into the city’s pride and passion and enable the people of Newcastle to help support and finance projects that will make the city even greater.
All people have to do is sign up and play to support the city and have the added bonus of winning cash prizes. Each week, a guaranteed jackpot of £1,000 will be available with the potential to win £25K if players match all six numbers in the right order.
In addition to cash payouts, the Geordie Jackpot will include exciting bonus prizes with ‘money-can’t buy’ experiences and themed rewards to coincide with NE1 events and activities throughout the year.
Tickets cost just £1 each and will be sold online via the geordiejackpot website. Players select 6 numbers and subscribe to play the Geordie Jackpot for a minimum of 4 weeks at a time.
Unlike the National Lottery, players will have a greater chance of winning with Geordie Jackpot and a far higher percentage of money-in will go directly to the worthy cause, the development of the city.
50% of money will go to good causes compared with only 28% from the National Lottery and only 20% in the case of the Health Lottery. The other 50% goes to the prize fund and running costs.
In addition to city centre projects, a proportion of the funds raised will be given to Metro Radio’s Cash for Kids. Cash for Kids is a local charity, supporting North East children who are disabled, disadvantaged, sick, or suffering from abuse or neglect, from the ages of 0-18.
The wider projects funded by the Geordie Jackpot will make the city more attractive for families and visitors and ensure that Newcastle retains its place as a modern, European regional capital city. Some may be temporary activities or installations; others will have a permanent place in the city centre. Subscribers to the lottery will be consulted on their favourite ideas and initiatives to will help shape the future of the city.
A list of potential projects has already being compiled and Newcastle NE1 is surveying the public to get their views on what projects they would like to see happen in Newcastle. Among the most popular suggestions so far are more green spaces, and improving neglected areas of the city centre. Subject to a positive take up of the lottery, it is hoped the first Geordie Jackpot funded initiative will start by the end of the year.
Sean Bullick, Chief Executive of NE1 said: “We’re really excited that the Geordie Jackpot is already catching the imagination of the North East community and that so many notable celebrities are already on board to give their backing.
“The Geordie Jackpot is another Newcastle innovation; NE1 will be the first Business Improvement District in the whole world to launch its own lottery. Although the Geordie Jackpot is new, public support for civic developments is nothing new. The people of Newcastle have a proud history and tradition of paying for civic developments, many of the city’s monuments and statues were paid for from donations by the good people of the North East. The Geordie Jackpot will hark back to these largely Victorian days and we hope to start seeing new Geordie Jackpot plaques marking where new investments have been made across the city.
To sign up to play Geordie Jackpot visit:
A specialist lottery management company will run the Geordie Lottery on behalf of NE1 Ltd to maximise the return on the investment and money raised.
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